About In Tire Supply

Joe Cabral Owner of InTireSupply
Joe Cabral – In Tire Supply

True to his roots as an independent tire shop owner/operator, Joe Cabral runs Prema Maneast Inc. with only a few simple but powerful guiding principles.

“I have been a customer and know what it’s like…”

Having made a living running his own tire service shop, Joe Cabral has a thorough understanding of how his business supports local tire servicing companies and their customers. “Sometimes you get that last minute call to drive across town on the Friday starting a long weekend and you realize, I am not making any money doing this, heck I am probably loosing money because of the time needed to drive that part across town now. But, you do it anyway. Why? Because the customer needs to finish the job and their customer’s car needs the part now or it sits; for the same long weekend that we too want to be out enjoying with our families right now.  Why not take a moment to make our customer look good in the eyes of their customer. That’s what it is all about. Developing these relationships between us, our customer and in turn our between or customer’s customer, builds trust and from that trust you create relationships with real value for everybody. That’s why were were luckily enough to be the #1 Prema dealer in Canada for 2 years in a row.” – Joe Cabral, owner of Prema Maneast.